Copper waters is the fourth installment of the Annalisse series. This one takes Annalisse to New Zealand, solo, while she and Alec are trying to sort out their relationship. Book #3 left us with a cliffhanger, with an ex of Alec’s declaring that he had an unknown (to him) son. Although Alec had proposed several times to Annalisse, and she was going to accept, she decided to give them some space while they both sort out the ramifications of this new human in their lives. Annalisse then gets an invitation from Ethan, an hold friend and former farm hand, to go to New Zealand.
She and a friend, Bill (paid by Alec to accompany Annalisse) arrive in New Zealand, and the first person that they encounter winds up dead. It truly is the worst luck that Annalisse has carried around with her for four books now. Immediately they are worried that they are going to be blamed for the accident (or murder???) and try to insert themselves into the situation. All of this, while Annalissa is searching for her mother, who also disappeared awhile ago.
I’m not going to go into too much other detail, as things devolve from there. As with past books, dialogue seems very clunky and, at times, stream of consiousness. I’m not always sure of what the characters are saying, and it just seems like phrases are used that a much older person might use. Annalisse is supposed to be in her 30s, so this really doesn’t fit for me. Also, I enjoy an unrealistic mystery/thriller as much as the next person, but I think, after four books, the crazy situations that Annalisse…