Stolen Obsession is the first installment of the Annalisse Series. Annalisse Drury is an antiquities appraiser, professionally tied to Generosa Zavos, collector and gallery owner. At Generosa’s gallery opening, Annalisse spies a necklace… a necklace that legend says causes bad luck on any that wear it. Annalisse knows first hand of this curse… her best friend was killed weeks earlier after wearing a matching bracelet! Thus begins the investigation into the necklace, bracelet and the murder of her best friend, Samantha.
I’ll begin with what I really enjoyed about the book. I did love the character of Annalisse. She’s strong, but she doesn’t realize how strong she is until faced with a situation where it is needed. She is smart, and doesn’t realize how attractive she is to others. She is a good friend to Gen, and to those who have her loyalty. I also enjoyed the story lines. This is a book of high adventure, with action from New York City to Crete. The scope of the book is great, with an Indiana Jones vibe that keeps you wanting to continue the book. I also enjoyed the romance factor between Annalisse and Alec, Generosa’s son. There romance is realistic and the feelings between them seem genuine, and not overwritten. I enjoyed seeing their romance blossom.
Now… what I didn’t like… Some of the dialogue is clunky and definitely not how people would say things…